Health & Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education program offers a wide range of coeducational and elective activities for our students, whenever facilities permit. Objectives of our program include promoting leadership, teamwork, and healthy behaviors. We strive to contribute to our student’s overall emotional, physical, and social development by providing a variety of invigorating, unique, and instructive learning opportunities to facilitate the development of individual fine motor, fitness, and interpersonal skills.

District Subject Supervisor
Rich Burton
[email protected], 3357

 Health and Physical Education Staff Members:
PE Facilities
Mark Aramburu - [email protected], 6004
Tom Russo - [email protected], 6120
Rich Ohren - [email protected], 6062
George Hill - [email protected], 6037
  Dom Mulieri - [email protected], 6219
Christine Koons - [email protected], 5064 
Julie Buccino - [email protected], 6161
Jill Fackelman - [email protected], 6142