Indian Hills Graduation Information

Indian Hills Graduation Information
Posted on 06/05/2017
Indian Hills Graduation Information

Indian Hills Graduation Information

Graduation is approaching, and the following information is an update on the planning procedures and policies involved in this event.  Attendance at graduation is a privilege, not a right, granted to those seniors who agree to participate cooperatively in the ceremony that has been planned for you, your family, and your friends.  If you choose not to take part in the graduation exercisesa note signed by a parent/guardian must be given to Mr. Guido, Assistant Principal, by June 1st advising him Students not participating in the graduation ceremony may pick up their diplomas the morning after graduation, Friday, June 23rd, in the Indian Hills Main Office.


All obligations to the school must be met in the few days prior to the start of rehearsals.  For example:  library fines, overdue books, detention time, laptops, return of physical education locks, athletic equipment, etc. If these obligations are not met, your cap & gown will not be given to you and you will not receive your diploma the night of graduation.


  1. Graduation is scheduled for Thursday, June 22nd, at 6:30 PM.
  2. In order to participate in the ceremony, seniors must attend two rehearsals:  Wednesday, June 21st, and Thursday, June 22nd
  3. Rehearsals are planned for both days and will last 3 to 4 hours, depending upon the cooperation of the class members in learning the procedures.  We will rehearse both an indoor and outdoor graduation procession on both days, depending on the weather. If your college or university schedules a mandatory orientation for either of those days, you MUST produce written evidence of that obligation and secure prior permission from Mr. Guido to miss the rehearsal.
  4. Please do not schedule doctor/dentist appointments, college testing, work, or any commitments prior to 12:30 PM on the rehearsal days as you will NOT be excused.  Students, who are absent or late for rehearsals, may not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.  We expect graduates to give us their complete cooperation during these rehearsals. Those students who do not cooperate may jeopardize their participation in the graduation ceremony. 

5.  A.  On Wednesday, June 21stall Graduates will report to the Auditorium at 8:00 AM for review of all graduation procedures and the processional line-up. At the end of rehearsal, the PTSO will host the annual luncheon for the Senior Class.  Caps and gowns will be distributed after the luncheon provided all obligations have been satisfied.

     B.  On Thursday, June 22nd (Graduation Day), all Graduates will report to the Cafeteria at 8:00 AM for the final graduation rehearsal.


  1. The Indian Hills Administration reserves the right to deem attire appropriate prior to the ceremony.  Any graduate who is inappropriately dressed will not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremony.  Decorating of caps is prohibited!
  2. Women graduates are encouraged to wear dresses, dress skirts and blouses, or dressy pants outfits. No flowers should be sent to the school or worn during the processional and ceremony.  Jeans, shorts, sneakers, or flip-flops are not acceptable for graduation.  Spike heels are not permitted, as they are a safety hazard on the artificial turf.
  3. Men are strongly encouraged to wear dress pants, dark socks, and shoes.  Men must wear a dress shirt and tie.  Jeans, shorts, sneakers, flip-flops, or moccasins, are not permitted at graduation.


  1. On the evening of graduation, you are to report to the cafeteria at 5:30PM.
  2. No one will be permitted to leave the cafeteria after 5:45 PM for any reason whatsoever.  Please handle all other business before that time.  Please have your friends, relatives, and other guests go directly to the graduation ceremony location.  They should notaccompany you to the cafeteria. 
  3. You will be required to comply with the dress code in order to line up.  As mentioned before, any graduate who is inappropriately dressed will not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremony.
  4. Any graduate who arrives for the graduation ceremony and is demonstrating signs or symptoms of being under the influence of any substance will not be permitted to participate in the ceremony.
  5. The ceremony lasts approximately 1-1/2 hours from line-up to recessional.


  1. Each graduating Senior will receive six (6) graduation ceremony announcements in their English class (These are not tickets.)  Should you require more announcements, please contact my Administrative Assistant, Jill Sweeney, at [email protected] or by phone at (201) 337-0100 x. 3324. 
  2. Every effort is made to hold the ceremony outdoors at the Hank Boggio Athletic Field so that as many guests who wish to attend the event are welcome to do so and notickets are required.  The weather forecast is monitored carefully.  An announcement will be posted on the Ramapo Indian Hills District website, www.rih.organd a reverse 911 phone message will be issued should the weather be inclement and the event is forced to move indoors to the Upper Gym which limits the number of guests to view the ceremony in person to two guests per graduate. NO ONE will be admitted to the indoor ceremony without a rain ticket.  The rain tickets will be distributed only on graduation day after the morning rehearsal practice.  The remaining guests will be able to view the ceremony via simulcast in the following locations:  the Auditorium, the Main Office Conference Room and the Library.  No tickets are required for the simulcast areas. 
  3. Seating will be on a first come, first served basis at all sites.  Provisions are available for physically challenged guests if the event takes place outdoors.  Please refer to the attached document  for further information or contact my Administrative Assistant, Jill Sweeney, for further assistance. 

Parking is always challenging at graduation.  Seniors should be dropped off by 5:30 pm.  Once the students return after Project Graduation, they should be picked up at the school at 4:30 am.  Bus transportation will be provided from the shopping center at the bottom of Yawpo Avenue.  Please consider parking your car at that location.

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to honor all those guests with State-issued handicap placards. The parking stalls in front of the Main Entrance will be reserved for guests with State-issued handicap placards.  However, due to the limited number, please do not plan to get a handicap spot. 

  1. Professional photographers from Lors Photography will be taking photographs of the ceremony, including individual pictures of the awarding of “diplomas”.  These photographs will be available for purchase on line after 48 hours at  The customer service number for Lors is 800-521-4009.

Please be advised that spectators must remain in their seats throughout the entire graduation ceremony from the start of the processional until the completion of the recessional.  Please do not leave your seat for video or personal photography at any time during the ceremony.

On behalf of the members of the Administration of Indian Hills High School, I congratulate you on the successful completion of your high school education.  I am very proud of all of our students and I am confident that we will have a wonderful graduation ceremony for all to enjoy and remember.