Inscape 2023

Inscape 2023
Posted on 06/15/2023
Inscape 2023

The 2023 issue of Inscape, the award-winning art and literary magazine of Indian Hills High School, has arrived! We are proud to share the magazine in digital format here with you.

Inscape is a student-created magazine which features poetry, short fiction, artwork, photography, and other creative pieces created by Indian Hills students and faculty. Students then design, layout, and publish this year-end magazine.

Inscape is the proud recipient of multiple school publication awards from the American Scholastic Press Association and the National Council of Teachers of English.

Congratulations to all members of the design and editorial staff, as well as all students and staff members who have had their works published!

Editors-in-Chief: Meghan Mainelli (‘23) and Carmen Noya (‘23)

Editorial and Production Advisor: Dianna Peller

Art and Design Advisor: John Mungiello