Student Mid-summer Parking Letter

Student Mid-summer Parking Letter
Posted on 08/24/2017
Student Mid-summer Parking Letter

Dear Students:

This notification is to remind you that all students who wish to drive to school and park their vehicle on campus during school hours must register their vehicle with Indian Hills High School.

The attached Shared Parking Registration Form must be completed properly, submitted to the Main Office and approved by Administration before any student vehicle can be parked on Campus.  Vehicles on campus that are not registered with the school will be referred to the local police department for enforcement. Please note if a summons is issued a mandatory court appearance is required

Registration forms will NOT be accepted by mail, email or fax. We also ask that Shared Registration Forms and Documentation (Copy of Driver’s License, etc.) be submitted at the same time. The Main Office will be open to accept registration forms Monday through Friday, from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. throughout the summer and during the school year until parking spaces are no longer unavailable.

Here are some reminders and special notes:

  • Assigned space numbers will be shared with all properly registered students by Eblast one week prior to start of school.
  • Parking Permit Decals may be picked-up starting one week prior to the start of school and/or a few days after school starts. A short grace period will be established during the first few days.
  • Student Driver Regulations and assigned spaces are in effect starting the first day of school (September 7, 2017). Consequences will occur for non-compliance.
  • Students who are seeking a parking space partner may visit Schoology’s 2017-2018 Shared Parking Space Forum.

Order of Parking Space Selection:

  1. Seniors with another senior who submit their applications by Wednesday, June 21, 2017 will be guaranteed a shared parking space on campus and be part of the first lottery selection for the Prime (12) Shared Spaces at the front of the building and/or the Preferred Spaces in the student parking lot;

    * Winners of the "Prime 12" lottery will hold this space for 1 semester. We will hold a mid-year lottery for semester 2.

  2. Seniors with a younger sibling will be guaranteed a parking space;
  3. Seniors who choose to pair with a junior who possess a driver’s license will be guaranteed a parking space;
  4. Seniors who are enrolled Option 2 or SLE (before the end of the 2016 - 2017 school year) will be guaranteed a single space parking accommodation;
  5. If spaces are available – a junior with driver’s license and another junior with a driver’s license.
  6. NEW - If spaces are available – a junior with driver’s license who has a sibling attending IHHS.

Please review the attached registration form for more information. If your have any questions regarding the shared parking registration form and/or process, please contact the Main Office at 201-337-0100. 


I.H.H.S. Administration