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RIH Band Mission Statement

Music must be a part of the life of any fully educated person. It is truly a universal language. Music communicates our common human experience, love, fulfillment, fear, joy, and sadness. Through music we can also share and appreciate our rich and varied cultural backgrounds. The band is a very unique and special place that welcomes and accepts all students.

Instrumental Music is not only an excellent vehicle with which to learn about music, but also to learn about oneself. The instrumental student is constantly challenged to perfect his skills. Moreover, in the process of becoming a valuable member of a performing group, the student develops a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-discipline.

The Ramapo Indian Hills Band Program provides the opportunity for each student to participate in a band suitable to his/her interest and ability level. The performing groups not only provide musical education for those who participate, but also through their high quality performances provide live musical experiences that are enjoyed and appreciated by their peers and community.

The Band program in Ramapo Indian Hills is designed to allow each student to progress as a musician and achieve musical independence at an extremely high level. Students build upon previously learned musical concepts and knowledge regarding note reading, pitch, melody and rhythm to name a few. 

Group lessons are the backbone of this successful program teaching the band members of Ramapo Indian Hills the necessary skills on their individual instruments creating a meaningful concert band experience. At RIH, the Concert Bands are the centerpiece of the program with the following ensembles serving as extensions of the concert band program: Marching Band, Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble, and Woodwind and Brass Ensembles.

Through the use of the NJCCCS for Music, careful lesson and rehearsal planning, meaningful daily rehearsals and a multitude of performance opportunities on and off campus (concerts and festivals/trips), students are given experiences that will allow them to be productive members of society and supporters of the arts.

RIH Choir Mission Statement

The choral ensemble is a very unique and special place that welcomes and accepts all students. Singing embraces the very essence of humanity to help us connect with others. The high school choral experience provides students with skills and experiences that last a lifetime and extend far beyond the choral rehearsal. The discipline of performance ensembles enables students to develop emotional maturity, poise, and good work habits through self-discipline. Participation in the choir reinforces academic concepts such as concentration and memorization, and integrates these with critical thinking, reading, and interpretive skills.

In addition, students develop their sense of artistic appreciation and respond physically, emotionally, and intellectually through self-expression. Choir promotes appreciation of the aesthetic expressions of other people and the ability and desire to interpret them creatively. Students in choir will learn the rudiments of music theory and vocal technique. Becoming musically literate allows students to learn music autonomously, and becoming comfortable using one’s voice teaches students to be confident when speaking in public and communicating with others. 

The choral program aims to deliver quality musical experiences by achieving optimal fulfillment of each student’s capabilities. Each student is given the opportunity to grow musically and emotionally, recognizing that music the tonal representation of life’s emotions. Music and its interpretations are subjective to interpretation by composer, performer, and audience member alike. 

String Orchestra Mission Statement

The mission of the Ramapo-Indian HIlls High School Regional District String Orchestra is to inspire, challenge, and instill a lifelong appreciation and enthusiasm for music. It essentially contributes to a comprehensive education by teaching students the skills, techniques, and music theories in order to play their instruments.  Motivating each student to achieve their full potential is our goal.  Students are encouraged to develop an aesthetic sense as a constructive way to express their humane thoughts and feelings, and transform human experiences symbolically.  Participating in our high quality orchestra program teaches critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, discipline, creativity and self esteem-skills that transfer to all academics and daily life occurrences in the present and throughout adulthood.

The String Orchestra provides students with a medium of musical expression in a creative learning environment that teaches appropriate fundamentals, provides opportunities for individual and shared performances, and represents the school throughout the community, ensuring all ability levels and diverse cultures are thriving together.  Performing all styles of music, the string orchestra is unique in that the Conductor and its members can perform with the choir and/or the band in concert performances.  The RIH String Orchestra is an important part of education in order to progress each student's social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development.  These structured learning experiences will form and transform the students in becoming responsible citizens of our community.


Karen M. Davidson, M.Ed
District Supervisor of Visual, Performing, & Applied Arts
(201) 337-0100 Ext. 3352