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The mathematics program at Indian Hills High School is designed to provide a strong foundation in mathematics for all students. Students develop skills throughout their program that are required in college mathematics courses. Those with advanced mathematical ability can take courses that move at a faster pace, explore concepts at a deeper level, and have the opportunity to partake in various Advanced Placement course offerings.

The teachers in the mathematics department are highly qualified to deliver a rigorous mathematics curriculum to their students.  Open-ended questions, real-life applications, modeling, and reasoning are emphasized, and students are challenged to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  Students are often given the opportunity to work collaboratively with each other to explore and reinforce concepts. 

Recommended Calculators:
Students in all Mathematics courses are strongly encouraged to have their own graphing calculator. The Mathematics Departments recommend Texas Instruments models TI 84 - TI 84 Plus calculators, as these will be used by all of our math teachers in class. The use of these calculators is permitted on the district, state, and national assessments including the PARCC, SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT, and Advanced Placement exams. Students will be using these tools in class and for assignments. Further, they will be utilized in their science classes, as well. In addition to high school math and science courses, they will be appropriate for undergraduate math and science courses at the college level.

Math and Computer Science Course Offerings – Please see Program of Studies

Computer Science program – as indicated in our Program of Studies, we offer Computer Science Honors, AP Computer Science A, and AP Computer Science Principles at our high school

Pathways- Several Mathematics courses are included in the Business/Computer Science Pathway Program- Please see the Pathways Section of the Program of Studies for more information. 

Extra help – extra help is provided by teachers after school.  Any student who has additional questions or would like extra practice is encouraged to see his or her teacher for extra help during this time.

Math Team - Our Math Team participates in both the Bergen County Math League and the New Jersey Math League.   Advisor:  Sarah Epstein.


Mike Kaplan
District Supervisor of Mathematics
(201) 891-1500 Ext. 2255