Principal's Corner
Dear Indian Hills Community,
Welcome to Indian Hills, the proud Home of the Braves!
As you explore the information on our website, I hope that you will feel the sense of family and community that permeates our school. It is one of the most celebrated traits of Indian Hills culture and something in which our students and staff take great pride. We strive to maintain a school culture where students feel comfortable taking educational risks because they know that their peers and their teachers will support and encourage them along the way.
Indian Hills High School is a place for students to expand upon previous achievements and explore new possibilities. We offer a comprehensive educational program that will both challenge and engage students in meaningful learning. High school is a wonderful time and our goal is to promote dedication, hard work, and balance.
In addition to the work that is done by our faculty and staff to help students find a pathway to success, our parent organizations do so much in supporting the climate and culture of our school. All of these organizations work tirelessly to raise funds for scholarships, music and performing arts programs, athletic events, and other special projects. There is hardly a student who, in some form or another, is not impacted by these organizations. So please explore the Parents Org tab at the top of our website for information about the PTSO, PAC, the Performing Arts Association, and Project Graduation.
I wish you all a wonderful school year and I encourage you to be curious, thoughtful, and motivated; to be bold; and to Be Braves!
Dr. Gregory Vacca
Indian Hills High School
Gina Huerta-Caro
Admin. Assistant to the Principal
(201) 337-0100 Ext. 3324